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Evangelical Christian Church
... and in this place will I give peace, said the LORD of hosts. Haggai 2:9
The Light of the World
John 8:12
Pastor Val Martins
The Same and Greater Works
John 14:12
Pastor Val Martins
O Death, Where Is Your Victory?
1 Corinthians 15:55
Pastor Val Martins
Ravenous Wolves
Matthew 7:15
Pastor Val Martins
The True Praise
Psalm 138:1
Pastor Val Martins
What Do You Want God to Give You?
2 Chronicles 7:11
Pastor Val Martins
Isaiah 7:14
Pastor Val Martins
What is the Meaning of Water Baptism?
Mark 16:16
Pastor Val Martins
The World or God?
Matthew 16:26
Pastor Val Martins
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:3-17
Pastor Val Martins
The Tree of Life
Revelation 22:2
Pastor Val Martins
Strong in Weakness
2 Corinthians 12:10
Pastor Val Martins
Anointing with Oil
Exodus; 1 Samuel; Isaiah; James
Pastor Val Martins
The Holy Spirit in Us
Joel 2:28-29
Pastor Val Martins
Halloween, The Feast of Hell
Deuteronomy 18:10-14
Pastor Val Martins
My Hope Is in the Lord
Psalm 39:7
Pastor Val Martins
Appearance vs. Heart
1 Samuel 16: 7
Pastor Val Martins
Go, I Will Send You
Exodus 3:10
Pastor Val Martins
Train up a Child in the Way He Should Go
Proverbs 22:6
Pastor Val Martins
Freedom for Captives
John 8:31-36
Pastor Val Martins
Seventy Times Seven
Matthew 18:22
Pastor Val Martins
All Things New
2 Corinthians 5:17
Pastor Val Martins
The Attitudes of a Sinner
Luke 5:1-11
Pastor Val Martins
The Names of God
Pastor Val Martins
Interview of Anne Graham Lotz (Billy Graham's daughter)
Pastor Val Martins
Blessings Shall Come Upon You and Overtake You
Pastor Val Martins
What Will You Do to Inherit Eternal Life?
Luke 10:25
Pastor Val Martins
Give thanks to God!
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Pastor Val Martins
What Would You Give in Exchange for Your Soul?
Matthew 16:26
Pastor Val Martins
The Preexistence of God
Isaiah 43:13
Pastor Val Martins
How to Have a Blessed Life?
Psalms 37:23-25
Pastor Val Martins
Run Away from Sin and Don't Look Back!
Genesis 19:26
Pastor Val Martins
The Best Place in the World
Luke 10:39
Pastor Val Martins
The Glory of Men or the Glory of God, Which is Your Choice?
John 12:43
Pastor Val Martins
He Certainly Comes Soon
Revelation 22:20
Pastor Val Martins
It is Necessary to Be Born Again
John 3:5
Pastor Val Martins
I Will Teach the Good and The Right Way
1 Samuel 12:23
Pastor Val Martins
We Are Not Orphans
John 14:18
Pastor Val Martins
Shall Not the Judge of All the Earth Do What Is Just?
Genesis 18:25
Pastor Val Martins
The Greatest Miracles of Jesus
John 21:25
Pastor Val Martins
Mighty Person of Valor is Who Has Faith
Judges 6:12
Pastor Val Martins
No One Ever Spoke Like Jesus Spoke!
John 7:46
Pastor Val Martins
He Who Has An Ear, Let Him Hear!
1 John 3:8
Pastor Val Martins
Whoever Has the Word of God, Minister It Faithfully
Jeremiah 23:28
Pastor Val Martins
The Firstborn of God
Colossians 1:15
Pastor Val Martins
The Power of Intercession
James 5:16
Pastor Val Martins
Go ahead!
Philippians 3:13
Pastor Val Martins
Jesus Lives in Me!
Galatians 2:20
Pastor Val Martins
The Victory Overcoming the World
1 John 5:4
Pastor Val Martins
The Golden Calves of Christians
Exodus 3
Pastor Val Martins
The Holy One of Israel
2 Kings 19:22
Pastor Val Martins
God Reveals Deep and Hidden Things
Daniel 2:21
Pastor Val Martins
The Word of God is Like Fire!
Jeremiah 23:29
Pastor Val Martins
Faith and Provision
Genesis 22:8
Pastor Val Martins
Always Give God the Best
Genesis 4:1-7
Pastor Val Martins
Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing
John 15:5
Pastor Val Martins
The Blessing Will Come and Will Not Delay
Habakkuk 2:3
Pastor Val Martins
Fulfill Your Vow!
Ecclesiastes 5:4
Pastor Val Martins
Matthew 1:21
Pastor Val Martins
The God of All Times and All Circumstances
1 Kings 20:28
Pastor Val Martins
I Will Go In The Name Of The Lord
1 Samuel 17:45
Pastor Val Martins
The Power of the Gospel
1 Corinthians 4:20
Pastor Val Martins
God Will Heal Your Land
2 Chronicles 7:14
Pastor Val Martins
No One Can Revoke Your Blessing
Numbers 23:20
Pastor Val Martins
Your Mission
Luke 10
Pastor Val Martins
Remember the Lord
Nehemiah 4:14
Pastor Val Martins
The True Servant of God
1 Kings 18:36
Pastor Val Martins
God Does Not Change!
Malachi 3:6
Pastor Val Martins
Who is like the Lord our God
Isaiah 40:18
Pastor Val Martins
I Can Do All Things!
Philippians 4:13
Pastor Val Martins
Go Forward!
Exodus 14:15
Pastor Val Martins
Shall We Go to the House of the LORD?
Psalms 122:1
Pastor Val Martins
We trust God!
Psalms 20:7
Pastor Val Martins
The Hand and Ear of God
Isaiah 59:1
Pastor Val Martins
The Just Shall Live by His Faith
Habakkuk 2:4
Pastor Val Martins
Who Will Get What You Have Prepared for Yourself?
Luke 12:20
Pastor Val Martins
Speak to the Rock!
Numbers 20:1-13
Pastor Val Martins
I Love God's Word
Psalm 119
Pastor Val Martins
Hope and Answer
Isaiah 40:31
Pastor Val Martins
Clap Your Hands, All You Nations
Psalm 47:1
Pastor Val Martins
Give Thanks to the Lord for His Wonderful Deeds
Psalm 107
Pastor Val Martins
Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Luke 24:49
Pastor Val Martins
The Most Holy Place
Exodus 26
Pastor Val Martins
The Great Storms of Life
Matthew 8:23-27
Pastor Val Martins
The Reward for Sin
Romans 6:23
Pastor Val Martins
You Have To Decide!
Deuteronomy 30:19
Pastor Val Martins
I Believe!
Genesis 1:1
Pastor Val Martins
The Most Modern Book in the World
Revelation 22:18-19
Pastor Val Martins
Where Will Help Always Come From?
Psalm 121
Pastor Val Martins
Be Prosperous and Successful
Joshua 1:1-9
Pastor Val Martins
God Takes Care of You!
Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11
Pastor Val Martins
Creatures of God or Children of God?
Genesis 2:7
Pastor Val Martins
My Help Comes from the LORD
Psalm 121
Pastor Val Martins
The Marks of Christ
Galatians 6:17
Pastor Val Martins
Jesus or Barabbas
Matthew 27:16-22
Pastor Val Martins
Jesus, the Savior of the World!
John 4:42
Pastor Val Martins
Following on to Know the Lord
Hosea 6:3
Pastor Val Martins
New Creatures
2 Corinthians 5:17
Pastor Val Martins
The Foolishness Of Preaching
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Pastor Val Martins
The Eyes of God
Proverbs 15:3
Pastor Val Martins
The Righteousness of God
Ezekiel 18:1-28
Pastor Val Martins
Who is the King of Glory?
Psalm 24
Pastor Val Martins
Heaven and Earth Will Be Shaken
Hebrews 12:26
Pastor Val Martins
God's Help
Job 14:7-9
Pastor Val Martins
What Is Too Hard For The Lord?
Mark 10:27
Pastor Val Martins
Life or Death
Luke 23:42
Pastor Val Martins
What Is the Kingdom of Heaven
Matthew 13
Pastor Val Martins
Crazy Christians
Mark 13:31
Pastor Val Martins
To the Overcomer
Revelation 21:7
Pastor Val Martins
Like a Thief in the Night
1 Thessalonians 5:2
Pastor Val Martins
Temptation and Lying
1 Peter 5:8
Pastor Val Martins
The Impossible
Matthew 19:26
Pastor Val Martins
Light for Darkness
John 8:12
Pastor Val Martins
The Love of God
John 3:16
Pastor Val Martins
The Way to Blessing
Deuteronomy 28:1-14
Pastor Val Martins
The Glory of the Latter House
Haggai 2:9
Pastor Val Martins
Faith and Works
James 2:14-20
Pastor Val Martins
The Almighty God
Genesis 17:1
Pastor Val Martins
The Healing
Revelation 22:2
Pastor Val Martins
The Glory of Man
Jeremiah 9:23-24
Pastor Val Martins
In the Strength of Our God
Nehemiah 8:10
Pastor Val Martins
God Created the Heavens and the Earth
Genesis 1:1
Pastor Val Martins
Why Don't Christians Pray?
Jeremiah 2:32
Pastor Val Martins
Jesus is Salvation
Matthew 1:21
Pastor Val Martins
Because God Do Not Change!
Malachi 3:6
Pastor Val Martins
No Repentance No Forgiveness
Luke 19:10
Pastor Val Martins
The Imminent Return of Christ
Revelation 3:3
Pastor Val Martins
As For Me and My House, We Will Serve The Lord
Joshua 24:15
Pastor Val Martins
Simply Because God is Holy
1 Peter 1:16
Pastor Val Martins
The Word of God is Eternal
Matthew 24:35
Pastor Val Martins
The Seven Letters
Revelation 1:11
Pastor Val Martins
God Is Not a Man, That He Should Lie
Numbers 23:19
Pastor Val Martins
When Will My Victory Time Be?
Joshua 1:9
Pastor Val Martins
Our Hope Is in the Lord
Psalm 121:2
Pastor Val Martins
Who Is Wise? He Will Understand These Things
Hosea 14:9
Pastor Val Martins
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus
Revelation 22:20
Pastor Val Martins
The Signs of God's Faith and Power
Mark 16:17-18
Pastor Val Martins
Jesus Must Become Greater
John 3:30
Mariana Martins Segades
Do You Need A Miracle?
John 14:12
Pastor Val Martins
The Same Yesterday and Today and Forever
Hebrews 13:8
Pastor Val Martins
You of Little Faith?
Matthew 8:27
Pastor Val Martins
What Is Out of God's Control?
1 Samuel 2:6-10
Pastor Val Martins
The Prayer
Acts of Apostles 12:5
Pastor Val Martins
God Sees Everything
Proverbs 15:3
Pastor Val Martins
Exodus 12:11
Pastor Val Martins
Prayer and Faith
Matthew 21:22
Pastor Val Martins
The River of God
Ezekiel 47:1-12
Pastor Val Martins
There is a time for everything
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Pastor Val Martins
Cry Out to Me, and I Will Answer You
Jeremiah 33:3
Pastor Val Martins
The Prayer of Faith
Luke 7:7
Pastor Val Martins
Are you a Christian?
1 John 5:2
Pastor Val Martins
The Power of God's Word
Psalm 46
Pastor Val Martins
What's the truth?
Acts 16:31
Pastor Val Martins
Malachi 3:13-18
Pastor Val Martins
The Joy of the Holy Spirit
Joel 2:28-29
Pastor Val Martins
Hebrews 11 e 12:1-2
Pastor Val Martins
Make up your own mind!
Revelation 3:20
Pastor Val Martins
Turning Water Into Wine
John 2:1-11
Pastor Val Martins
Jesus Wept
John 11:35
Pastor Val Martins
Impossible is One of God’s Specialties
Luke 8:43-48
Pastor Val Martins
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Acts 16:30-31
Pastor Val Martins
The Great Miracle of God: SALVATION
Matthew 26:41
Pastor Val Martins
You Will Remain Unfazed
Matthew 7:24-27
Pastor Val Martins
Jesus Wants to Hear You
Mark 10:46-52
Pastor Val Martins
Be Strong and Work
Haggai 2:4
Pastor Val Martins
Marked With Promise
Genesis 12:1-3
Pastor Val Martins
Exodus 3:14
Pastor Val Martins
Invoke the Lord
Psalm 55:16
Pastor Val Martins
Reaching God's Blessings
2 Kings 5:1-14
Pastor Val Martins
I Know You Can Do Anything
Job 42:2 and 5
Pastor Val Martins
Do You Want Relief For Your Soul?
Matthew 11:28-29
Pastor Val Martins
The Right Choice
Deuteronomy 30:15-19
Pastor Val Martins
Prophesy God's Blessing
Ezekiel 37:3-5
Pastor Val Martins
Make up your mind
Revelation 3:20
Pastor Val Martins
Watch and Pray
Matthew 26:41
Pastor Val Martins
To Whom Shall We Go?
John 6:68
Rosana Martins
The Love
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Pastor Val Martins
The God of All Things
Psalm 47:2
Pastor Val Martins
God's Faithfulness
2 Corinthians 1:18
Pastor Val Martins
He comes!
Revelation 22:20
Pastor Val Martins
The Jealous God
Deuteronomy 4:24
Pastor Val Martins
Why does the living man complain? Complain about each of your own sins
Lamentations 3:39
Pastor Val Martins
Habakkuk 3:18
Pastor Val Martins
The Son of God Was Born
Luke 2:11
Pastor Val Martins
I am Going and I Will Come Again!
John 14:28
Pastor Val Martins
Carnival: The Worldview and the Vision of God
Romans 8:6
Pastor Val Martins